Our Project Team

These are the children working on the website.Those children are US!!!!!!!!!!!!
The team who have been working on this website are all from Karen's Class at Newbridge Educate Together National School.
We hope that you enjoy our website.
We hope that you enjoy our website.
Schools in Roman timesLots of Roman kids did not go to school. They went out to work. children from wealthier families started school at the age of six or seven.They were taught how to read,write and do sums.Later, they learned poetry , history and public speaking. The Romans spoke Latin. Like children today ,Romans boys and girls played with toys such as marbles , dolls and toy animals.
Schools in old IrelandIn 1824 there were 11000 schools in Ireland and a total of 500,000 children went to them. 183000-400000 children were going to school that there parents paid for. It was really expensive. In old Ireland they use to whack you with a stick when you were naughty.
Schools in Greek timesMost families wanted male children because a male when he owns his own house and land and he would be made a citizen of the town.Girls and women could do neither of these things. Boys went to school from the age of 7 until they where 18.
What school is like for us.
In school now it is super nice compared to the old schools. We have a lot more fun doing our subjects. The windows are down low so we can get a perfect view. Our school is nice and colourful. In our school it has an upstairs. There is a wood outside our school. Each classroom has its own small library . Each class has an interactive white board. We get to watch video at lunch time. Every Friday we get to bring in our toys. When we come into school we try to get at least four things done and they are: Writing down our homework, maths ,Irish and English. Our school is a non-uniform school! We have a lot of support teachers and lots of classrooms.